Releasing interactive & engaging Five local-languages digital audio content lessons that target different aspects of reproductive health


In Pakistan, at least 65 million women live in rural areas, but they have always faced financial, cultural, and accessibility barriers to critical reproductive health information and services. In 2022, we designed 60 new interactive & engaging local-language digital audio content lessons in Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Pashto, and Urdu with unique URLs that target different aspects of reproductive health such as menstruation, menopause, mental health, sexual violence, domestic abuse, pregnancy, breastfeeding & birth, family planning & safe sex, sexually transmitted diseases & infections, child rights, domestic abuse, child marriage.

Housing this content on any app or website isn’t enough, getting it into the right communities who are most vulnerable and ignored by traditional healthcare services is of extreme urgency and importance. And this is where 50 additional rural women leaders are playing a pivotal role. After training them on specified digital literacy, inclusion & social platforms like whatsapp & zoom, 50+ champions are now hosting chatbot-led listening parties in areas all over Sindh to reach 10,000+ women who are traditionally excluded from decision-making and spark discussion, tackle restrictive gender norms, provide critical information and help in navigating infrastructure limitations. Our next goal will be using other language chatbots to implement this unique project in other parts of Pakistan.